What is Earned Recognition?
Earned recognition is a new way for vehicle operators to prove they meet driver and vehicle standards. Pilot participants regularly share performance information with the DVSA and in return, their vehicles are less likely to be stopped for inspections. It’s a voluntary scheme designed for operators of all sizes.
Video courtesy of the Driver and vehicle Standards Agency.
The DVSA admit roadside checks cost operators’ time, money and resources; Earned Recognition aims to ensure compliant businesses aren’t stopped unnecessarily and assist the DVSA to focus on operators’ who pose the biggest risk to road safety.
Earned Recognition is accredited to operators who record and submit data which satisfy key performance indicators relevant to vehicle maintenance and driver hours and recognises vehicle operators who show high standards of compliance.
Logico are approved auditors for Earned recognition and can work with you by completing an audit, and supporting you with all your compliance requirements, to become an approved operator.
Read on for more details about how the scheme works or contact us on 01325 952887 or click the button below for more information.
How DVSA Earned Recogntiton Works?
You will be required to have one electronic system for vehicle maintenance and another for driver hours , designed to meet a set of key performance indicators (KPIs). The system must be able to record and deliver real-time data in line with DVSA guidance.
Reports from the Operator will be submitted every 4 weeks and informs DVSA if you’ve missed any of the KPIs by a set amount. If this occurs, DVSA will work with you to fix the issue.
DVSA will not have any access to your data or systems. The reliance will be on your systems to provide the correct timely information to allow DVSA to monitor.
When the scheme fully launches and you’re in it, your drivers and vehicles will be less likely to be stopped at the roadside by DVSA.
Keep Your Transport Business Compliant and Safe
Logico are approved by the DVSA as auditors for Earned recognition to assist you and your business to become an approved vehicle operator by managing :
Transport Audits
Operator’s Licence application and support
Operator’s Licence Compliance
Driving Licence Updates and Legislation
Keeping You Up to Date with Transport Legislation
Digital Tachograph Compliance
Driving Hours and Working Time Compliance
Health and Safety
Risk Assessments.
What are the Benefits?
· Be an exemplary operator, and be able to prove this when you bid for contracts (helping you to win work).
· Be less likely to have your vehicles stopped at the roadside for inspections
· Be less likely to have DVSA enforcement staff visit your premises
· Be able to use the DVSA earned recognition marque on your website and other publicity materials
· Be recognised as a DVSA-accredited operator on GOV.UK
· Have direct access to a dedicated earned recognition team member in the DVSA.
Before you apply you need to make sure that you meet the following criteria:
· Held a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) or public service vehicle (PSV) operator licence for at least 2 years
· The Traffic Commissioner has not taken any regulatory action (other than a formal warning) on any of your operator licences in the last 2 years
· Have a digital management system for vehicle maintenance and drivers’ hours, which can track the KPIs and automatically report if they are missed
(If the Traffic Commissioner has taken any regulatory action or you are not currently digital, then we can still help!)
For more information contact us on 01325 952887 or click the button below for more information.
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